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- /*
- ** $VER: KeepMsg.thor 1.3b (1.4.95)
- ** by Eirik Nicolai Synnes <eirikns@sn.no>
- **
- ** Copies the current or selected message to a special "Keep" conference and
- ** sets the KEEP flag on them.
- **
- ** Specify the conference name in the toconf string below. If the conference
- ** doesn't exist it will be created.
- **
- ** If you don't want the copy in the destination conference to be marked as
- ** unread make sure nomarkmsg is set to 1 below. Otherwise set it to 0.
- **
- ** Fixed in 1.3a:
- ** o Fixed a bug where the keep conference wouldn't be created if it didn't
- ** already exist
- **
- ** Fixed in 1.3b:
- ** o When no messages were selected the current message should have been
- ** copied, but it wasn't. Fixed.
- */
- toconf = 'The Keep'
- nomarkmsg = 0
- options results
- options failat 30
- signal on syntax
- signal on halt
- signal on break_c
- CDF_NOT_ON_BBS = '00008000'x /* This conference is not on the bbs. */
- /* Open Thor and BBSREAD ARexx ports' */
- p=' '||address()||' '||show('P',,)
- if pos(' THOR.',p)>0 then thorport=word(substr(p,pos(' THOR.',p)+1),1)
- else do
- say 'No THOR port found!'
- exit(0)
- end
- if ~show('p', 'BBSREAD') then do
- address command; "run >nil: `GetEnv THOR/THORPath`bin/LoadBBSRead"
- "WaitForPort BBSREAD"
- if rc ~= 0 then do
- address(thorport)
- REQUESTNOTIFY '"Couldn''t open BBSRead''s ARexx port."' '"I see"'
- exit(0)
- end
- end
- address(thorport)
- trace off; CURRENTMSG curmsg; trace on
- if rc ~= 0 then do
- exit(0)
- end
- if rc = 3 | rc = 5 then do
- msgsel.1 = curmsg.MSGNR; msgsel.COUNT = 1
- end
- else if rc ~= 0 then do
- exit(0)
- end
- if msgsel.COUNT = 0 then do
- msgsel.1 = curmsg.MSGNR; msgsel.COUNT = 1
- end
- address(bbsread)
- do i = 1 to msgsel.COUNT
- drop data. head. text.
- address(bbsread)
- READBRMESSAGE '"'curmsg.BBSNAME'"' '"'curmsg.CONFNAME'"' '"'msgsel.i'"' TEXTSTEM text HEADSTEM head DATASTEM data
- if rc ~= 0 then do
- address(thorport)
- REQUESTNOTIFY '"READBRMESSAGE (message #'msgsel.i'):\n 'BBSREAD.LASTERROR'"' '"Abort"'
- signal cleanup
- end
- if text.TEXT.COUNT = 0 & (text.PART.COUNT = 0 | symbol('text.PART.COUNT') ~= 'VAR') then do
- address(thorport)
- REQUESTNOTIFY '"No message body (message #'msgsel.i').\nMessage not copied."' '"'_Ok'"'
- signal cleanup
- end
- text.replyconf = curmsg.CONFNAME
- if head.fromname ~= "HEAD.FROMNAME" then text.fromname = head.fromname
- if head.fromaddr ~= "HEAD.FROMADDR" then text.fromaddr = head.fromaddr
- if head.toname ~= "HEAD.TONAME" then text.toname = head.toname
- if head.toaddr ~= "HEAD.TOADDR" then text.toaddr = head.toaddr
- if head.msgid ~= "HEAD.MSGID" then text.msgid = head.msgid
- if head.refid ~= "HEAD.REFID" then text.refid = head.refid
- if head.creationdate ~= "HEAD.CREATIONDATE" then text.creationdate = head.creationdate
- if head.creationdatetxt ~= "HEAD.CREATIONDATETXT" then text.creationdatetxt = head.creationdatetxt
- if head.subject ~= "HEAD.SUBJECT" then text.subject = head.subject
- red = ""; priv = ""; urg = ""; imp = ""; conf = ""
- if bittst(data.flags, 0) then red = "READ"
- if bittst(data.flags, 2) then priv = "PRIVATE"
- if bittst(data.flags, 11) then urg = "URGENT"
- if bittst(data.flags, 12) then imp = "IMPORTANT"
- if bittst(data.flags, 17) then conf = "CONFIDENTIAL"
- if nomarkmsg then nomark = 'DONTMARKMESSAGE'
- else nomark = ''
- WRITEBRMESSAGE '"'curmsg.BBSNAME'"' '"'toconf'"' STEM text nomark red priv urg imp conf
- if rc = 7 then do
- CONFIGCONF '"'curmsg.BBSNAME'"' '"'toconf'"' SET c2x(CDF_NOT_ON_BBS)
- WRITEBRMESSAGE '"'curmsg.BBSNAME'"' '"'toconf'"' STEM text nomark red priv urg imp conf
- if rc ~= 0 then do
- address(thorport)
- signal cleanup
- end
- end
- else if rc ~= 0 then do
- address(thorport)
- signal cleanup
- end
- mnr = result
- repl = ""
- if bittst(data.flags, 1) then repl = "SETREPLIED"
- address(bbsread)
- if rc ~= 0 then do
- address(thorport)
- signal cleanup
- end
- end
- address(thorport)
- signal cleanup
- error:
- halt:
- break_c:
- if rc ~= 0 then say '+++ Line 'sigl' returned 'rc': 'errortext(rc)
- cleanup:
- address(bbsread)
- exit(0)